37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (2024)

I love to celebrate, and finding these healthy, unique cupcake recipes for dogs lets me include my fur babies in these special moments.

Have you ever had a birthday event where your pup stared longingly at the cake, unable to participate?

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (1)

Ever wondered how to make nutritious, fun treats for your pet? We have tracked down healthy options for these compact snacks.

These treats can be decorated for any need and let dogs know they are a part of the family- especially during celebrations.

List Of Cupcake Recipes For Dogs

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (2)From: JenwoodHouse.com

#1 Plentiful Peanut Butter Banana Pupcakes

It’s no mystery that peanut butter is a favorite treat. This rich option is well suited to birthdays.

To stay on the healthy side, the banana adds a lot of nutrition and sources the sugar naturally.

Taste is maintained while reaping the benefits of the binding ingredients which add protein.

While the high fat and sugar contents preclude it from the regular canine diet, small amounts contribute valuable oils to the system that promote cognitive function (and make for a shiny coat).

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (3)From: TheSpeckledPalate.com

#2 Succulent Sweet Potato Pupcakes

The star of this cupcake is the sweet potato that not only adds a great color that my little guy loves, but it provides beta carotene’s and vitamin A that lend to good eye health.

Apple adds starch, an iconic part of treats.

I like to keep these around as treats since they are a fairly healthy option that stores well in a freezer.

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#3 Summer Day Pup Muffins

These cupcakes are great for hot days. When the sun is shining my dogs get a surge of energy, but it’s not always easy to get them to water to cool down.

I make these cupcakes to prevent them from overheating.

If stored with an ice pack in a dark area, these snacks can last for a few hours while retaining their icy properties.

This keeps my pups free from risk of overheating on scorching days.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (4)From: MyModernCookery.com

#4 Eye-Opening Pupcakes

Pumpkin and carrot aren’t just superfoods for humans.

Dogs reap all the benefits of these outstanding orange vegetables.

This recipe gets rotated through mostly on Halloween. It is an ideal option for a day so focussed on candy.

The natural sweetness of the pumpkin shines through and the starch adds calories during the colder time of year.

#5 Cheesy Apple Eats

This salty and sweet snack was an instant favorite. Many pups, mine included, default to savory options when given the choice.

The sharpness of the cheese gives a pungent smell that the little guy responded to very well.

I make these occasionally just to see the smile on his face when they are cooking. Dogs are known to recognize things by smell.

This recipe gives them the full scent experience.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (5)From: MorselsAndMoonshine.com

#6 Clem’s Birthday Pupcakes

Birthdays are huge events in our household. From decorations to treats, the day is focussed on the birthday puppy.

These are easy to decorate and make great photo memories with beloved pets.

These keep for a couple of days, and any leftovers (though we rarely have leftovers from this dish) can be stored in the freezer with ease.

The benefits of including canines in family activities apply not only to the puppy, but to the family at large .

Read: How Can I Get My Dog To Eat Low Sodium?

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (6)From: SpoonfulOfSugarFree.com

#7 No Grain Puppy Cake

As with all cake recipes, though the timing may need to be shifted, the batter can be cooked either as a cupcake or in a larger pan.

I like to make this particular cake in a larger pan since it stacks well, and you can make two layers with peanut butter as an icing.

Though not the healthiest snack, it makes a phenomenal treat.

Shop Now Peanut Butter for Dogs on Amazon

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (7)From: DamnDelicious.net

#8 Salty Treat Cupcakes

This recipe is protein packed and makes for a nutritious snack. When dealing with salty treats, I always make sure to pack extra water.

Dehydration in dogs is tricky, and being aware can prevent thirst from spiralling out of control.

That said, these treats keep well and are ideal for long treks (where extra water is usually packed anyways).

The high protein content adds much needed calories during lengthy hikes.

#9 Gluten-free Zucchini Cupcakes

For many households, gluten is a deal breaker. It poses a problem for many in the intestinal tract and can cause a plethora of health complications.

Dogs are not exempt from this trend.

There are many symptoms that suggest the issue and this recipe lets gluten be left out with full flavor remaining.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (8)From: StayingCloseToHome.com

#10 Boost of Blueberry Pupcakes

My dogs love this option because of the sweet taste and classic ‘human food’ appearance.

I love this recipe because it is packed with antioxidants canines often miss.

The principal of free radicals applies to furry friends as well.

I use blueberries (and several other superfoods) to balance out the diet of my pup with nature’s nutrition.

Read To Learn: What Important Qualities To Look For In Yorkies Dog Food?

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (9)From: DogSter.com

#11 Magnificent Meat Cupcakes

It’s not often you can call cupcakes healthy, but these beef and bacon morsels are a great choice for my dogs.

Of course, the iconic scent of bacon has everyone salivating as soon as they hit the oven.

The beef adds much needed iron (a great way to prevent and treat anaemia) and the bacon keeps them coming back for more.

High in proteins and minerals, red meat assures me that my beloved pups have enough iron in their diets.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (10)From: Blog.CandiQuik.com

#12 Crunch and Munch Pupcakes

Texture is the major draw of this recipe. The iconic crunch of munching on a bone is hardwired into pups’ desires.

Getting to integrate this into a healthy treat adds value in more than one area.

The apple provides a number of vitamins and incorporates fiber, a component critical to hydration.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (11)From: ProudDogMom.com

#13 Peanut Butter Pupcakes Recipe

Busy and on the go days often make cupcakes a challenge.

This recipe fixes that issue. Incredibly easy to make in a pinch, these quick cupcakes are a salty and sweet treat for the pups.

I enjoy how quick the prep is for this dish. It allows me to incorporate these fun sweets in whenever its right for the pup, not for my schedule.

Read To Learn: Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Butter?

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (12)From: HalfScratched.com

#14 Bow-wow Banana Cupcakes

Have you ever had a banana turn brown and not been sure what to do?

This recipe is a perfect solution to browning or frozen bananas. Often, I will take the fruit when it is darkening and put it in the freezer.

When I have time, I make these treats for my little fellas. The banana is a healthy sugar and it makes ingredients easy to source.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (13)From: AcozyKitchen.com

#15 Poochie Pumpkin Pupcakes

Whether pumpkin is fresh or canned, it is packed with nutrients that benefit the canine.

I prefer fresh pumpkin for its lack of processing. When getting canned, I look for stewed pumpkin without the added sugar.

Many consider canned pumpkin to have equal benefits to fresh.

On Halloween, when carving the pumpkin, I set aside the flesh for this recipe.

The seasonal smell, coupled with the healthfulness makes it a perfect traditional treat.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (14)From: PrettyLittlePastimes.com

#16 Happy Birthday Cupcakes

Easy on the pocketbook, this recipe can be made mainly with ingredients already in the pantry.

Our furry friends are a part of the family, and it is always easier when we can all use the same ingredients.

Like any birthday cake, these cupcakes are designed as a treat that is probably best for the calendar birthday (rather than 7 times a year, as my dogs would love).

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (15)From: CrazyForCrust.com

#17 PB Puppy Cupcakes

The classic salty taste meets a soft and moist finish on this recipe.

Though I love peanut butter as an option, I know a great many families that cannot have it in the house.

In this instance, this can be substituted for a nut or seed butter.

The taste changes somewhat depending on the product, though the recipe can stay the same.

How To Learn: Source The Liveliest Labrador Food Easily

#18 Meat and Potato Pupcakes

For pups that are proudly spoiled, this option is the ultimate of treats. Meatloaf cupcake meets mashed potato frosting.

My pup adores these cupcakes and eats them so delicately (I think he appreciates the presentation).

As with most meatloaves, everyone has their own recipe.

This can easily be adapted to fit any meatloaf, and is a good way to use up leftover mashed potatoes in a fun way.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (16)From: PupCakeSugar.com

#19 Red Velvet Pupcakes

This red velvet recipe is safe for canines.

Traditionally, to achieve the red colouring seen in traditional red velvet, dung beetles were crushed to provide the vibrant hue.

Nowadays, however, chocolate is often the base of the cake with chemical coloring overtop.

I use this recipe and avoid all pre-mixed batter to ensure the well-being of my pups.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (17)From: ShingaVet.co.za

#20 The Ultimate Doggy Cupcake

A good rule of thumb is that the more diverse the colors in the diet, the more balanced the nutrition.

The vibrant hues in this dish burst not only with flavor my dog loves, but with benefits for teeth and eyes.

Root vegetables are amenable for their ease of digestion and general antioxidant properties.

Read: What Human Foods That Dogs Can And Can’t Eat?

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (18)From: TheAlmondEater.com

#21 Mini Dog Birthday Cupcake

The little ones and I were always fans of the miniature trend. Often, the presentation is half of the fun (something even my furry friends agree on).

They’ve reached for the more attractive toy, and they reach for the most attractive food.

I like this option for its quick preparation and cooking time, making it a great recipe for a busy schedule.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (19)From: LifeAtCloverHill.com

#22 Not So Nutty Doggy Cake Recipe

Allergies are cumbersome, and no one wants cumbersome on their birthday. This is great for nut-free households.

It keeps all of the flavor and doesn’t pose a risk to health.

Prevalence of nut allergies has grown over time, and the rise of reactions in canines is significant.

If you are expecting ‘nut-free’ company, this is a perfect option to serve.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (20)

#23 Cheesy Drizzle Cupcakes

Apple brings this dish together both flavorfully as well as chemically. The pectin in the apple makes it a great binding agent that works to keep stomachs full.

Cheese and these sweet fruits are a classic pairing, and in moderation a great food for pups.

I like the chance to decorate the cupcakes with the drizzle, and the pups love the end result.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (21)From: StyleSweetca.com

#24 Pumpkin Banana Doggy Cake

Though not a flavor pairing often visited by people, my canine companions adored the taste.

I use these for holiday celebrations, and they are another great use for leftover pumpkin and banana.

This sweet fruit works to prevent hypokalemia (a shortage of blood potassium) in canines.

These get eaten quickly, though can be stored to be used as treats after the event.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (22)From: 17apart.com

#25 Dog Birthday Beef Cake

Using beef as a primary ingredient lets me integrate this into the diet on almost a monthly basis.

I always keep an eye on my pups’ iron content. Often, when lethargic, dogs (and people), will benefit from a boost of iron.

Red meat is a great way to keep dogs fighting fit, especially during tired bouts.

I’ve made these to cheer up my pup when he was a little bit down. It works.

#26 Coconut-Honey Doggy Cake

When my pup passed a milestone, this is the cake we made. Coconut and honey are two highly scented options.

Most ‘tasting’ actually occurs in the olfactory bulb. This is a piece of the brain located behind the sinuses.

Canines have particularly fine tuned olfactory systems, and glean a lot of their eating experiences from smell.

This aromatic option makes an ideal treat for scent inclined pets.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (23)

#27 Creamy Carrot Cupcakes

Carrot cake and cream cheese is a popular request around my house. These cupcakes tend to get made on every birthday or event.

When I make cake for the family, I make a batch of this recipe along with it. A healthy (or healthy enough) treat, this keeps my pup included in the celebration.

Check:33 Tasty Dog Food Recipes With Salmon

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (24)From: GeniusKitchen.com

#28 Peanut Butter Icing and Awesome
Apple Cupcake

With its naturally spreadable abilities, peanut butter makes the perfect icing for furry friends.

This classic red (or green) fruit makes its way into many recipes. Pectin, used to thicken and bind, requires effort to digest thus leaving pets full.

On top of this plentiful trait, there are a number of health benefits to pectin.

The hearty nature of these cupcakes is what keeps us making them.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (25)From: SprinkleBakes.com

#29 Peanut-honey Puppy Cakes

I enjoy this recipe because, depending on what honey I am using, the scent and flavor is slightly tweaked.

I love the expression on my furry companion’s face when he is trying to figure out the new, sweet smell.

My pup’s favorite honey for this recipe is blueberry, though we still mix it up to keep the recipe interesting.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (26)From: JustaPinch.com

#30 Beautiful Blueberry Puppy Cakes

These cupcakes emerge so picturesque, I wondered who they were for. The panting smile of my pup reminded me quickly.

Blueberries make a wonderful treat that focus on flavor not sugar.

My pups love the taste, and I love the antioxidants which they provide.

Though these are technically cupcakes, I have been known to give them as a breakfast treat.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (27)From: FakeGinger.com

#31 Buttery Nutty Puppy Cakes

Though peanuts are technically a legume, they blend and cook similar to most nuts.

Originating from the same plant family as the pea and the lima bean, these pods are full of nutrition.

Protein is plentiful, though unbalanced until cooked into a dish. Unlike a number of other foods (meat, quinoa, etc..) peanut butter is not a perfect protein.

I like to cook it into these cupcakes to ensure that the protein is complete.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (28)From: FoodFanatic.com

#32 Delicious Dog Cupcakes Recipe

Though baking is fun, taste for the pooch is the real goal.

Especially for special occasions and celebrations, I want him to know just how loved he really is.

This option is agreeable and highly filling.

Easy to decorate, these compact treats let puppy pals know that they are included members of the family.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (29)From: PetGuide.com

#33 Banana and Carrot Cupcake Recipe

The B vitamins of the banana and the A vitamins in the carrot meet to make a super-healthy (and surprisingly popular) cupcake.

The classic bakery smell fills the house and lets the dog know he is special, because the cupcakes are all for him.

These keep for a comparatively short time without freezing, so whatever isn’t eaten should be stored the following day.

Learn More: 26 Super Easy Bacon Treat Recipes For Doggies

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (30)From: SunnySweetDays.com

#34 Milk Bone Peanut Butter Pupcakes

The classic dog treat meets the classic cupcake recipe. Impacting all metabolic processes, B vitamins should never be neglected.

This recipe is great for anyone looking to expand their pup’s range of treats.

Taking the jump to making homemade food for your pet can be overwhelming. This recipe makes that transition easy and fun for both you and the pup.

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#35 Perfectly Simple Pup Cupcakes

Another great recipe for beginners, this is simple to make and can be done with ingredients already in the house.

Dogs are some of the best friends on whom to try out culinary experiments. These cakes make a great starting point.

For those with less cooking experience, cutting the recipe in half can help.

Whether the pup is eating the intentional finished result, or ‘samples’ from an imperfect round, this recipe will keep them happy.

37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (31)From: UrbanBakes.com

#36 Salty Sweets for Dogs

This recipe is great for people with more than one dog. Eventually, the cost of ingredients can add up (especially with multiple birthdays).

Peanut butter as a base ingredient is generally affordable, filling, and I have never met a pup who didn’t like it.

Easy from a cost perspective, this recipe is perfect for those looking to spoil their dogs on a budget.

Puppy wellbeing is promoted, and with a bit of savvy, homemade dog eats can actually save money in the long term.

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (32)From: AsaucyKitchen.com

#37 Single Serving Puppy Gateau

I’ve had days where I can spend hours cooking and baking. I have also had days where I cannot seem to find enough time to take a sip of coffee.

For those days (especially when they coincide with an event), I like this recipe.

Being single serving makes prep quick and cleanup even quicker. I make this when I am in a hurry (and guilty for being busy).

This dish puts a smile on the pups face- and then a smile on mind.

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Which Recipe Will your Pet Adore?

There are some great options for pleasing even the pickiest puppy palettes. I love the peanut butter theme (because my dog is a huge fan of salty treats).

Which one will be best for your furry friend? Have you tried one of these recipes before? Do you have any tips?

Give us a shout in the comments section and let us know what worked for you.

If you think your furry friend will like these recipes, share this article to help spread the word on how easy it is to make healthy, decorative treats for canine celebrations.

Ask the reader which recipe they enjoyed the best?

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37 Cupcake Recipes For Dogs - WowPooch (2024)


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