Kasha Varnishkes Recipe (2025)



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Wendy Heppt

The additional (and very easy) step of toasting the kasha with egg brings kasha varnishkes up a notch so the end result is fluffy and not a mush: beat an egg (or two egg whites) and mix with raw kasha, then toast in a dry non stick pan until the groats are golden and dry.


I must agree with the others who have noted you can add less fat (i prefer extra-light olive oil), and use a broth, e.g. chicken, to bring this up a notch. Toasting the kasha with egg is also a great addition. To add yet another layer of flavour, i add caramelized sweet onions. My husband loves the addition of sauteed mushrooms, and whole wheat farfalle as well. Kasha varnishkes is great all year round.

David Yee

Growing up Jewish (I know, bizarre with a Chinese last name), I can honestly say that the moedim are no time to spare the fat (in fact, commands are there to eat the fat, drink the sweet).

Plus, if you have all your Jewish friends over, a greasy meal is the perfect start to 2,3,4, okay 5 or more bottles of wine!

I like the fact that they represent true Ashkenazi heritage by acknowledging that chicken fat was the primary source of fat for many prior to modern commerce.

Eddie Lew

I know that this is comfort food for you, Mark and, as such, it must not be tampered with - for you; however, may you live to 120 and be well but where's the toasting the groats with a beaten egg? That is a must - for me.

Alan Singer

Forgive. Tossing the dry kasha that is coated with an egg is the heart of this staple. I might say this step us a must. In fact, when a person is creating a big tadoo about something causing all kinds of trouble, that person was referred to as “Stirring up a Kasha”. I have no idea how the toasting with the raw egg step ever gets left out of a Kasha recipe.

Thank goodness for Mark Bittman

My grandma never gave me her recipe for kasha varnishes- I’ll make it for you was her reply. I love this recipe and the instructions for cooking the onions dry first really speeds up the time for getting them lovely brown & carmelized. Will use this technique frequently. I made this once without the egg “toasting” step and once with. BIG DIFFERENCE! Don’t skip it!

Bernice Glenn

When I fry the onions, I use less than half of the fat the recipe lists, and sometimes add leftover chicken pieces at the end to round out this old-country dish. Also, instead of water, I use chicken broth to stir into the kasha. With a salad, this then becomes a full meal.

Jim Kyser

I toast the groats first, then coat with beaten egg. Then add sauteed onions and mushrooms.I toss the pasta in garlic butter and freshly chopped parsley. Then stir in the groats, mushrooms and onions.
Then top with sour cream.


Mix kasha with an egg. Toast until dry in pan. Then add water/broth.


May be sacrilegious, but I sauté mushrooms and add some dill too. Complements the kasha.

Jeff R

Wolf’s kasha- follow directions on box, add onions and farfalle. Genug!


Brings back fond memories of Dad starting the recipe by making the schmaltz for the kasha: rendered chicken fat with bits of crackling and caramelized chopped onion. Seems like there was always a jar of the stuff in the fridge. It wasn't much to look at, but when used the right way, schmaltz was gold!

Ellyn Caplan

I saute the finely chopped onions in a cast iron pan for about ten minutes and add sliced mushrooms. Mix the kasha with an egg.
Brown slightly in dry pan. Then cook the kasha in a pot. I use very small bow ties for the noodles.


Add in Lipton's onion soup mix to the boiling water before adding the kasha.


waaaay too many noodles. I used 1 cup kasha to 1/2 lb mini-farfalle and it was plenty. Otherwise, pretty good


Toasted the groats with a beaten egg, boiled with good homemade veggie stock. Sauteed mushrooms with caramelized onions in butter and added a bit of thyme, caraway seed, and dill. Reserved a bit of the pasta water to loosen up when mixing, glugged in a bit of heavy cream. Delicious.


Saute the kasha groats in an egg before cooking. Makes it so much richer and nuttier. And even better if you sautee mushrooms with the onions.


I always toast the Kashi with egg before adding chicken stock. I wonder if this can be made in an instant pot?

Euphemia Thompson

Many insist on toasting the kasha with an egg. I toast in a hot pan, no egg. Stir constantly until it becomes fragrant, then turn off the heat. Let cool a bit, and then start adding hot broth (as for risotto) and as the groats (I use whole, not ground) absorb the liquid, keep adding till they've softened to your desired consistency.

Lynde Paule

I cannot have any oil or dairy so the dish was made without it. It tasted very different from how I traditionally have made it for decades, but it was heart healthy. I am not sure I will make it again because I cannot have oil.


Mushrooooooooooooms!Ya mustAnd toast those lovely little groats in egg.Ya must


Add egg first to raw kasha


To really make this recipe luscious, use more kasha (we use one box to 5 cup of cooked pasta), yes the egg and kasha of course, caramelize the onions as others have said AND use leftover (defatted) brisket juice as the liquid instead of so much oil. After it is done cooking, add leftover brisket minced.

David Parker

Soaking the kasha for at least two hours before you cook it reduces the cooking time exponentially. 10 minutes tops, and less if you've soaked it over night. I also caramelized the onions over low heat for about 40 minutes.


Toast the kasha so the end result is fluffy and not a mush: beat an egg (or two egg whites) and mix with raw kasha, then toast in a dry non stick pan until the groats are golden and dry.Add less fat (e.g. extra-light olive oil), and use a broth, e.g. chicken, to bring this up a notch. Toasting the kasha with egg is also a great addition; also caramelize sweet onions, and sauteed mushrooms.


There's a Craig Claiborne recipe on this site for "Kasha or Buckwheat Groats", which agrees with many of these comments that (a) the kasha should be toasted with an egg and (b) some bird stock is a good idea. Craig likes quail stock.

Ann O’Neill

Made this using duck fat (which I had instead of schmaltz) and it was amazing. I agree with others about toasting the kasha in egg first. When serving leftovers I drizzled on some pomegranate molasses (see Martha Rose Shulman kasha recipe) and some Japanese chili garlic crisp and all I can say is wow. How great fusion can be!


My mother never made it. Her mother and father were born in Lithuania, and the cooking traditions were different than those in the heart of eastern Europe. I missed out on brisket too! Never heard of either dish until I ate at a boyfriend's house in high school. I made my kasha in my instant pot. No egg, and it was fine.

Cook from Chapel Hill

Is there a way to toast the kasha without using egg? (Vegan family)


Maybe try aquafaba? I haven't tried it but suspect it would work.


Cooking the kasha in egg is a must, otherwise it gets mushy. Use a fork to press down on the kasha in a dry pan. It help create that nutty taste and smell. Definitely use broth, either chicken or vegetable for more flavor. I cooked this last week as my mother did. Add large cubes of green pepper while it is steaming. Then she would add a scrambled egg (I use 3). My daughter called it Jewish fried rice.

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Kasha Varnishkes Recipe (2025)


What is kasha varnishkes made of? ›

But kasha varnishkes — kasha, noodles (typically bow ties), loads of slow-cooked onions and fat — is an amazing dish, one I used to beg my grandmother and mother to make for me, one that shows kasha in a light that does not shine on it elsewhere, at least in my repertory.

Can you freeze kasha varnishkes? ›

Storage Notes: Leftover kasha varnishkes can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 4 days or frozen for up to 1 month.

What nationality is kasha? ›

Americanized form of Polish Kasza Czech and Slovak Kaša Hungarian Kása (see Kasa ). Indian (Andhra Pradesh Karnataka): from Persian kashk 'whey'. Assyrian/Chaldean: from a variant of the Syriac status name qāshā used to denote an (Orthodox) Christian priest.

Why do you coat kasha in egg? ›

Over the years, I learned that you have to coat the kasha with egg first, because that ensures the groats won't run together in a soggy mush, and each grain retains its integrity. A bit like macrobiotic rice, suitable for chewing hundreds of times.

What does varnishkes mean in Yiddish? ›

The name and the dish varnishkes as a whole seems to be a Yiddish adaptation of the Ukrainian vareniki (varenyky, stuffed dumplings). Buckwheat came to Ukraine and became one of the most common fillings of Ukrainian dumplings.

Should you rinse kasha before cooking? ›

A: No, it's not necessary. You can rinse it if you prefer. but whether it's kasha, whole groats, or our delicious.

Why is my kasha mushy? ›

Other mush-making culprits might be cooking it in too much water, or simply overcooking it: “Keep an eye on it, and keep tasting,” Timoshkina says.

How do Russians eat kasha? ›

The most popular kasha recipe in Russia is that of crumbly cooked buckwheat seasoned with butter. Buckwheat kasha can be eaten at any time of the day, either as a separate dish or as a side dish. Other popular kasha recipes are made with millet, semolina (манная каша) and oatmeal.

What is the difference between kasha and buckwheat? ›

Kasha is simply buckwheat groats that have been roasted (or toasted) while Raw Buckwheat Groats are groats that have not been subjected to a thermal process. You can always tell the difference between both types by the color and the aroma. Kasha is a much darker reddish-brown color and has a strong - roasted flavor.

What is kasha called in English? ›

Meaning of kasha in English

buckwheat (= a small, dark grain): Stir in the cooled kasha. Add kasha to the saucepan, stir, cover and simmer for 7 minutes.

What does kasha mean in Polish? ›

Other Origin(s):Greek, Polish. Meaning:Open air, sky; Pure. Kasha is a soothing-sounding name for girls, pronounced Kash-ah.

What does kasha mean in Russian? ›

Porridge (kasha in Russian) is more than just a breakfast staple in Russia. Kasha has a long history, dating back to the pagan traditions of ancient Russia, since porridge and the grains it was made from were gifts from Mother Earth.

Is kasha healthier than rice? ›

Buckwheat has a high mineral and antioxidant content, resulting in several health benefits. Buckwheat contains more protein than rice and has higher essential amino acids, including lysine and arginine (essential for children). Buckwheat is gluten-free, hence safe for people with a gluten allergy or celiac disease.

What is a fun fact about kasha? ›

Kasha is one of the Russian national dishes, together with shchi. This fact is commemorated in the Russian saying, "щи да каша – пища наша" (shchi da kasha – pishcha nasha), which literally translates as "shchi and kasha are our food" or "cabbage soup and porridge are what we eat".

Why is kasha healthy? ›

Why are buckwheat groats healthy? Buckwheat groats contain high levels of antioxidants such as rutin and quercetin, which are protective against cancer, heart disease and free-radical damage. Rutin is also thought to help fight inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Buckwheat groats are also a source of prebiotics.

What is a kasha knish made of? ›

A traditional knish has a pastry covering surrounding the savory grain filling. In this simplified version, the tender grain mixture is encased in a crunchy wheat germ coating. Quarter potatoes and steam until tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.

What is kasha cereal made of? ›

Kasha is a type of cereal or porridge made from buckwheat groats which have first been roasted, then soaked and finally slowly simmered until soft. Roasting the groats brings out strong, nutty flavors, and cooked kasha has a firm texture and slightly gummy consistency.

What is the nutritional value of kasha varnishkes? ›

Classic Cooking Kasha Varnishkas (1 serving) contains 17g total carbs, 15g net carbs, 3g fat, 3g protein, and 100 calories.


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