Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

'V ft i To Place A Classified Want Ad 8 am to 6 pm, except Sat. 'til 3:30, call 252-6321 MADISON, WISCONSIN, SATURDAY, JUNE 25,1 977 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SECTION Page Cm Garage Sales Garcrae Sales East Garage Sales West Garage Sales South 606 600 Antiques EASTBLAKE TABLES Dress er. Drop leaf table, More. South of LOdl, Hwy. 113.

592-3092. OAK TABLE-square, 42x42 inches, with 4 leaves and 5 legs, needs reflnishlng, $175. 251-9059 846-4451 PLAYER PIANO 414-623-4104 PUMP ORGAN Solid oak. Beautiful condition. Bellows work.

$500. May be seen ot: Wonder World, 2334 Atwood Ave. 244-2114. SCHALLES ANTIQUES Solid cherry: hutch, drop leaf table, 2 choirs. Oak roll top desk.

205 W. Main, Waunakee 849-4690 ANTIQUES, REPRODUCTIONS OLD and USED FURNITURE We have a huge selection of over. 250 Items ot wholesale warehouse i prices. "Buy where the dealers buv" EVERY Frl. Sat 8a.m.

to 7p.m., WAREHOUSE SALES 15 W. Beltline 255-1111 -Nob Hill turnoff, 3 10th ml. E. of Trails End Motel. Watch for signs Moster Charge VISA welcome Trade-Ins accepted SALES SERVICE form Products Implements Auctions Livestock enii Garage Sales uuo Ec ast 1325 Rutledge St.

June 25, 9-4 p.m.. Oriental rugs, desk, acrylic paints, clothing, kitchen stuff, furniture, air conditioner, 22 rifle, rabbit tires. No early soles. 1613 WENDY 24 and 25. Kitchen set, skis, bike, trlke.

clothes, books, and more. 1634 ANGEL CREST WAY-East on Cottage Grove Rd. right on Acewood, left on Starker, go 3 blocks turn right. June 25, 26, 9-5. Small appliances, dishes, blankets, chairs, tables, pots and pans, bikes, antiques, rugs, etc.

1845 E. MAIN ST. YARD SALE. JUNE 25,26. 530 Livestock ANGUS BULLS Serviceable ages and older.

Registered and grade. Large size. Will deliver. Hagan Farm, Rio. 414-992-3445.

APPROXIMATELY 20 ACRES Suitable for beef or young stock. Water in barn. Need electric fence. After 4, 455-7931 AQHA REDDUN MARE-15-1. spirited, good disposition, 257-7716 845-6230.

ATTENTION ARABIAN HORSE LOVERS-We hove for sole, sev eral 1977 purebred Arab Fillies. 2 are Naborr granddaughters. 1 is a lovely Bay with 2 back socks and a star. The other is an unbelievably large Chestnut with a gorgeous head. Also have a 3 In 1 package, a beautiful Bay registered half Arab 5 year old mare, daughter of Sill que and her 1977 filly.

A flashy liver Chestnut with 4 stockings. Mare Is bred back for 78 foal. Come spend a pleasant day in the country and see these exceptional Arabs. CLEAR CREEK ARABI ANS, 924-3601. ATTENTION MADISON HORSE-FOLK Huge used tack and clothing sale.

English ond Western. Bring your surplus tack. Buy, sell, or trade. Free I. June 26, 1 p.m.

Call to hold YOUR spot. 798-4654 BEEF Bulls Loaned. Registered Holstiens. We deliver. Harvey Flncher Eves.

Madison 233-4163 BEEFCOWS(7) Calves at side. 1-414-992-3410 Belmont Livestock Market Inc. Butcher Hogs Bought dolly 762-5303 762-5177 BLAIR HORSE and STOCK TRAILERS. Whlnstone Form 414-992-5445 BULLS and BOARS for rent or sale. Also wanted to buy: all kinds of livestock.

255-3352 J. Hutchlns CAINES SADDLE SHOP 255-4577 Oregon-Horse Capitol of Wiscon sin. New and used English and Western Equipment. CHA RLOI SBrown Swiss cross. Due In August, to Charlols.

Calf would be 34. 837-6124. CORN Good dry ear, $60 ton 873-9191 COWS and Heifers Springing or Fresh. Would consider trade for young stock. 455-2201 EAR CORN 11 ton, $70 per ton, also 115 buschel oats.

414-478-2770. FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY Mon. 2 p.m. Belmont Livestock Market Inc. Belmont, 762-5177 FOR RENT: 2 box stalls, $50 per month 249-8296 or 244-9353 GELDING 4 year old, tack and saddle.

$250. 271-1253. HAY $1.25 a bole, 3 ton corn fodder or marsh hay stacks, $80 de livered. Also ear corn, dairy cattle and calves for sale. C.

Acker 836-8764 HAY for sale 11 acres alfalfa-hay. Ready for cutting. Town of Burke. $20 per acre. Call Walter Olson Realty, 221-0000.

HEIFERS-8 holsteln, about 800 lbs. 1 holsteln heifer due in July. 798-2208 eves. HORSE TRAILER Camper. Good condition.

$400 or best offer. Call Joe at 256-00)6 or 2564176 HORSE Boy roan filly, register ed. Arabian. 21 mos. old.

Very pleasant and gentle, will make beautiful show horse. 924-2672. HORSE Permanent registered Leopard Appaloosa brood mare with 1977 Skipper bred colt. $1500 or best offer. Will consider partial trade.

873-7653 Horse-8 year old, Vj Quarter, Arab More. Light chestnut. 14.2 hands. 837-5236. HORSES Top bred, registered quarter horses, ready to show.

Contact: Pace Merrill 608-643-4686. LAYING PULLETS Sunnyslde Hatchery Oregon, WI. 835-3171 ONE STOCK HOG 300 Lbs. cross bred. Holstien Bull ready for servle.

Robert Gust, Verona 845-6850. PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULL- 3 years old, excellent calves, $625. 414-478-2770. QUARTERHORSE GELDINGS (2) vr. olds.

Well broke, excellent cutting, roping or barrel prospects. 1 4 yr. old Quarterhorse filly, sorrel with lots of white. Granddaughter of Bar-B-Twist. Gentle, excellent ladles horse.

414-965-2486. REGISTERED Soddlebred mare. 5 yrs. Dressage, Huntseat, $1250. 832-6642 eve weekends.

REGISTERED POLLED Hereford Cattle, cows and calves, yearlings, herd bulls of Lamplighter breeding. Waterloo, 414-478-2366. SADDLEBRED 15 yr.Gentle, well trained, excellent disposition. Pleasure. Show experience.

$450. Reply: R3834, Madison Newspapers. Please state facilities, etc. SAWDUST DELIVERED Rea sonable rote. Melster Farms.

Rt. 2 Proirle du Chlen. 608-994-2274. Southern wis. Feeder Cattle Sale Sunday June 26, ot 1 p.m.

Belmont Livestock Market Inc. Belmont. 1, 606-762-5303, 762-5177 SPRAY PAINTING Form Buildings Free estimates. Madison 608-274-3664 or call collect. (414) 992-3503.

Rio, WI. GARTLAND BROS. SPRAY Painting Farm Buildings. Free estlmote. 608-222-9791, 222-9461, P.O.

Box 6067, Madison, 53716 FRITZ SPRAY PAINTING TELE-A-MARKET, Feeder Pig Sole. Fennimore, Frl. July 1, 2PM, 822-3255 or 935-5196 WANTED Feeder pias-Also quality feeder pigs for sole. Don Schwebs. De Forest, 846-5639.

YORSHIRE BOARS Registered for sale, 300 lbs. 839-4458 540 Farm Auction FARM LOAN SERVICE, INC. Division of Keefe A Associates NAME Spud Form; James Bulo and Dean Faulks. Rt. 1, Arena, WI.

Phone: (608)588-2387 or 588-2835(farm, (715) 623-4259 DATE Tuesday, June 28, 1977 TIME 18:00 a.m. Katie's lunch. LOCATION: 4 ml. west of Areon or 5 mi. east of Spring Green off 14 on Helena Road.

Watch for Farm Loan Arrows. AUCTIONEERS: Gavin Bros. To Place A Want Ad 252-6321 ftf Building Management PROPERTY MANAGER For 300 unit apartment complex. Southwest. Experience necessary.

Salary commensurate with experience and ability. COM 244-3552. RENTAL AGENT For large west side apartment. Call between 9 and 5.257-0088 RESIDENT MANAGER PAIR de sired for 8 unit townhouses. Strong maintenance ability.

Job to Include caretaking duties as well as resident relations. 251-9000, 8-noon i a ti Lmpioymem orrJ Aaencies AABILITY Consultants 231-2421 Notional Personnel Consultants A Licensed Employment Agency 202 N. Mldvale at Regent SKILLED JOBS FOR WOMEN Full employer -applicant services. No fees. Call today 257-4373 350 Situations Wanted RESPONSABLE CHILDCARE, light house cleaning or assorted odd lobs.

Will work evenings after 6 pm andor weekends. S3.00 per hour. 256-3486, Peggy. EXPERIENCED English teacher specializing In language, grammar, and literature would like in-home work, i.e. editing, proof reading, tudoring, etc.

241-4739. PRIVATE DUTY NURSING HELP AVAIL-A-CARE Personal Care, your home.231-2421 DEPENDABLE DOMESTIC HELP A VA I L-A-MA I DS Bonded 231-2421 Insured BABYSITTING in my home. Large fenced play area. Any age. Full time days.

Near new post office. 249-4597. HOUSEWORK WANTED Experienced. 256-7353 FARM OR Related summer work. Experienced, licensed animal health technician.

(608)233-1044. CHILD CARE-Mother of 3 will care for school age kids-mv home, days. Near Hilldale. 233-6467. Aide-Companion male will care for man, prepare lunch, therapy full time.

244-7074. CHILD CARE References. Gomes, crafts, meals, free time. Grandma Phyllis, 244-3265. YOUNG woman would like to do house cleaning In Modlson area.

Have no car. References. 845-6940 CLEANING LADY-Experienced. $2B. per day.

Excellent references. B49-5284. BABYSITTING by experienced mother in her home, Middleton area. i 3oU Instructions ANCESTOR HUNTING? Genealogy lessons, private or group. 835-7050.

"i J'U Nurseries DAYCARE New location has openings far 2VS-6 year olds. Hours university certi fied teachers. 256-2321. The Salvation Army Daycare 714 Market PI. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Day Core, near UW, still has full day summer openings for children who have completed kindergar- den and 1st grades.

233-5371 PRE-SCHOOL and Kindergarten, full days, excellent program. Eastslde 244-7273 Westslde 271-4458 TRY Montessori Children's House Summer School Program for $14 per wk. Classroom activity plus gardening, art, field trips, and creative movement. Full day care available. Call 271-1500.

600 Antiques 100 PRE-1940 BOOKS $.50 each. Other collectibles and antiques. 271-5326 4th SEASON. FLEA DAYS. Columbus.

Wl-City Park. June 26. Buy, sell anything. AMVET Sponsors. 414-623-5448.

ALOMA'S PARLOR ANTIQUES 2849 Hilton Lane, Sun Proirle 837-4003 Specials this week. 5 oak chairs and round table, $200. 4-plece wal nut Victorian parlor set, $350. Love seat with carved dog heads, $110. Large selection of parlor fur niture.

Very large amount of Depression glass, Fostoria art glass, pattern glass and blue Courier Ives. Lamps and clocks. Open ail this week, thru Sot. ANTEKI'S TREASURE NICHE Antiques of all kinds Open 4-7, weekends 12-6. 1101 Williamson 257-1448.

ANTIQUE CLOCK REPAIR Experienced-work guaranteed R. Gumpf 249-9954 ANTIQUE WAGON wheels with axle, $20. Very old drop leaf table, 42x26in. refinished, $40. 222-7805.

ANTIQUES, REPRODUCTIONS, OLD and USED FURNITURE We have a huge selection of over 250 Items at wholesale warehouse prices. "Buy where the dealers buy" EVERY Frl. Sat 8a.m. to 7p.m. WAREHOUSE SALES 15 W.

Beltline 255-1111 Nob Hill turnoff, 310th ml. E. of Trails End Motel. Watch for signs. Moster Charge VISA welcome Trade-Ins accepted NOTE: Many different truck-loads lust In for this sale ART NOVEAU, art pottery, beer advertisem*nts, marble top commode, double brass bed, art glass, Mt.

Joy glass, Chinese rugs, drop leaf tables, foot stool oak file drawers, cupboards. uiartmannia Antiques WE BUY, SELL AND APPRAISE Edgerton.WI. 1-884-8414 1-90 south to MiltOh-Edgerton exit No. 161. Take 59 West to 184; 184 to Caledonia Rd.

West on Caledonia 1 mile to Wartmonnia Antiques. Open Tues 11-5 or appt. BARGAINS GALORE 1 Unpacking large estate, reasonable prices. Lave House Antiques. 314 S.

Wlntted St. Spring Green, WI. Open weekends onlv, 18 to 5. CHINESE ORIENTAL RUG 9x12. $1500.

251-1689 after 5 DEPRESSION GLASS, several patterns, excellent condition, 274- 6415 after 5:30 p.m. DINING TABLE, captain's chair ond 5 matching chairs, 5ft. matching, buffet, very beautiful and or- note, $600. 837-2417. ENGLISH TOBACCO HUMIORE Wicker table, oak top, antique vase, rocking chairs, tins.

Oriental rugs that need work. 251-1689 after 5. HE'SGIVING IT UP Help me clean up this entire house full of antiques. Including furniture such as a dated couch, old re-cliner, set of 3 tables, lots of single tobies, chairs, loveseat, courting choir, secretary; lamps, nic noes. Priced to sell! 274-2717.

ICE BOX, round oak stove, como-des, old watches, radio. BELOW THE WAQON ANTIQUES corner Frostwoods. Monona Dr. Thurs. Frf.

and Sot. 11a.m. to 4p.m. 1805 Splint seat rocker $100. pair Bentwood chairs $40, ceramic pewter teapots $8-S25, open lace pressed glass dish $6, fans $5-up.

OPEN DAILY 10-5 nroted In a citv landmark I 231-1881 3402 Monroe St. jjri Professional, Technical SOCIAL SCIENCEPOLITICAL SCIENCE INSTRUCTOR Limited term tor the 197778 school vr. onlv. Masters degree or equivalent preferred, with malor In leaching area; vr. of nonre- loted occupational expereince; and ability to meet requirements of Wisconsin VTAE certification code.

Contact Dr. Sara Sherkow; Chairperson, General Studies Division; Madison Area Technical College; 211 N. Carroll St, Madison 53703. (6081 266-5089. Application deadline July 11, 1977.

An equal opportunityaffirmative action employer THE BARBERS, INC. opening shop In The Westgate Mall Is now accepting applications tor BARBERS and BEAUTICIANS. Send resume to 806 First South West, Rochester, Minn. 55901. or call Bill, 507-288-9367.

TRAVEL AGENT Minimum 6 mos. working experience. MAAS WORLD TRAVELS 408-238-4211 WANTED: EXPERIENCED ACTORS, ACTRESSES AND ANNOUNCERS for radio advertising production. Send demonstration cassette tape for our permanent files to; Jerry Lawson, Ad Energy, Box 9, Mineral Point Wisconsin 53565. WE NEED a working supervisor to be responsible for the repairing of non-ferrous metols for shipment.

Must be self motivated, honest, and dependable. Send resume to: R.E. Williamson, co Slnalko Bros, 15 N. Murray Madison Wi. 53715.

335 Restaurant Bar BAR MAIDBARTENDER WAITRESSWAITER Full or port time. Apply In person Kamm-Ann-Inn 415 W. Verona Verona, Wi. BARMAIDBARTENDER for summer employment In fun spot at Wisconsin Dells. Call 253-3031, for Interview.

BARTENDER MF Experienced, part time. For Interview call: 608-643-3980 ask for Laverne. BARTENDER Full time or weekend evenings. Experience necessary. 222-1508 Nate's Supper Club BARTENDER Full time, experienced only, Joker's Wild, Monona, 835-7776, or 222-1707.

BROILER COOK Full time Days. Apply In person between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Ponderosa Steak House, E. Washington Ave.

An Equal Opportunity Employer. CHEF Fulltime for a small steak house in Columbus. Experience preferred. Call for an interview: 414-623-4818. CHEF(COOK) Experienced, full time.

For interview: 608-643-3980 ask for Laverne. COOK 2 positions, breakfast prep, or broiler prep. Okee Lodge Resort 592-3861. COOK I S3. 86 per hour Permanent Civil Service position requiring considerable large volume commercialinstitutional cooking experience.

Most positions are day shifts involving alternate weekends. 40 hrs. per week. Excellent fringe benefits. Prefer career jeriented men or women with exlfllent references.

For further Information call 262-2767 or apply at: University Housing Slichter Hall 625 Babco*ck Dr.Modison Campus An Equal Opportunity Employer COOK Full time for supper club in Portage. Experience preferred. For Interview call: 742-2325. COOK-HOLIDAY SOUTH EAST-Now accepting applications for position of evening cook. Full time now part time fall.

Apply In person. Hwy 128,18 at 1-90 222-9127 COOK'Short order. Experienced only. Apply In person today, The Cutting Board, 1901 Parmenter Mlddleton. 831-7644.

COOKS WANTED apply at 226 State St. NICK'S RESTAURANT BAR. COUNSELOR'' at Group foster home for 8 male odolecences. Mostly evening and weekend hours. Port time.

244-61B9. DISHWASHER Part time, apply in person to chef: Library Lounge, 131 W. Wilson St. Madison, WI. DISHWASHE R-fulltlme, nights.

Apply in person at Mr. Mac's res taurant at 190-94. MAINTENANCE SET UP General cleaning and room set up experience, full time, 56 day week, to Apply In person, The Edgewater Hotel. MANAGER-Fost food restaurant. Excellent opportunity for right in dividual to learn and grow with our Enterprise.

One year experience in Fast Food or restaurant chain preferred. Location In southwest Wisconsin city. Submit resume to Job Service 925 N. Mad ison St. Lancaster, Wis.

53813. PART TIME-Now hiring. All posi tions available. Apply in person. PONDEROSA STEAK HOUSE, 1605 S.

Park St. An Equal Opportunity Empolver. RED LOBSTER Is now accepting applications for the following positions: HOSTHOSTESS BUS PERSON BARTENDERS NIGHT KITCHEN HELP No experience necessary will train. Paid vacations Profit-sharing Pold Insurance Apply In person 5614 Schroeder Rd. SALAD PERSON Full time.

Days. Apply between 1 and 5 p.m. at The Left Guard 3541 E. Washington Ave. SHORT ORDER COOK full time, good iob for good pay.

In quire between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Ask for Paula TREE HOUSE, 274-1117 WEEKEND COOK for sorority, for school year. 255-9695 after 4 p.m. nin Duiiamg a wU Management AMBITIOUS HARD WORKING resident manager needed for a 50-unlt problem property In Madison.

If you ore Interested in challenge with pay equal to your suc cess, send a resume to R3546 co Madison Newspapers, inc. CLEANING PERSON for large apartment project. Experience preferred. Must have own transportation. Call 255-2368.

EXPERIENCED PROPERTY MANAGER needed for residential property. Mail resume to R2904 co Modlson Newspapers, Inc. EXPERIENCED PAIR To man age and handle all maintenance at Westslde complex. Must hove own tools and be able to repair dish washers, stoves, disposals, etc. Permanent postitlon for the right pair.

Apartment plus $100 per month. 274-3680. EXPERIENCED MAINTENANCE PERSON-for large apart ment complex. Apartment plus salary. Send resume to 3395 Madison Newspapers, Inc.

An Equal Opportunity Employer UADOIcnmnpi OR PAIR to manage 52-unit oportment, lo cated on Lake Menaota in central Modlson. Light cleaning, only. ZM-eiue MATURE MAINTENANCE PER SON with experience in oil phases of maintenance. Must have own tools and own transportation. Colt 2440226 i RENTAL AGENT needed for oportment project rm Westslde.

Call weekdays. 271-1406 604 GARAGE SALE 2400 Bvdawee Trail, off I rish Lane. Misc. furniture, clothing. GARAGE SALE-June 24, 9-5.

June 25, 9-2. Portable, top loading Kltchenald dishwasher, Kenmore minf-wosher, GE mini-dryer, an tique dishes, old bottles, young men and women's clothing, 6402 South Middleton. GARAGE SALE-June 25, 9-4, 2942 Barlow, (off University by VA Hospital) toys, books, barn wood, dishes, clothes, skates, pin-ball machine, record players, wood burning stove, bike parts. and miscellaneous Items. GARAGE SALE 4334 -4338 Don caster Dr.

Frl. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Electric stove, sofa, chairs, lamps, matress, children's cloth ing. Infant size thru 5.

Maternity clothes, size 14. GARAGE SALE -9-4, June 24, 25. Tables ond Buffet, air conditioner, lawn mower body, skis, clothes, refrigerator, gomes, bunks, antique wood bed, much more. 6305 Keelson Dr. HUGE GARAGE SALE June 24, 25, 9 -5.

T.V.s, books, bikes. Youth bed and drapes, kids and ladies clothes, toys, recovered chairs, dish washer, cameras, etc. 2102 Iris Lane (Whitney Way, 4 Raymond Rd.) MIDDLETON 5744 ROOSEVELT ST. (Boskervflle Park), Fri-Sat, 8- 5. Tent, bobv items, furniture, dishes, good lunk, clothes, etc.

MIDDLETON-2110 Allen Blvd. Apt. 6 Apartment Sale. Zenith 23lnch color TV, stereo, amfm console, singer treadle sewing machine, chairs, tovs dishes, pots and pan. June 24 25 and 26.

MOVING SALE Bicycles, chairs, household Items. 726 Bryer Hill Rd. (Near Odano at Monroe). Saturday 4 Sunday, June 25 4 26. MOVING SALE June 2402 Seminole Hwy.

Bumper pool table, Kenmore sewing machine. Singer vaccuum, misc. MOVING SALE 2318 Chalet Gardens 6. June 25, Sofa, table, lamps, drapes, carpeting, clothes, children's clothes, ski boots, etc. If rain, come Inside.

MOVING SALE-Garden tools, drver, tete-a-tete, porch furniture, mattresses, antique sewing machine and table, much more. Sat. 9 to 3. 4316HillcrestCir. MOVING SALE Everything must go.

Color T.V., couch, chair, etc. June 25, 26, 10-5. 4725 Sheboygan Apt. 334. MOVING SALE-June 25-26, rain or shine.

Many Items. No checks. 129 s. Segoe Rd. MOVING SALE, 413 N.

Rosa Rd. June 24-25-26. 9-6. Furniture, household goods, miscellaneous. MOVING SALE-318 S.

Randall Ave. 8 piece dining set, maple twin bed, triple dresser, refrigera tor, 11,500 BTU air conditioner. antiques, much more. MOVING SALE-Saturday onlv, June 25, 7:30 to 5, 326 Cheyenne Trail, Hitlfarm. Furniture, built-in electreic stove top, 36 inch hood fan, babv equipment ond clothes.

plants, many miscellaneous, Everything must go I MOVING space heater, adding machine, electric train and table, clothes, books, vases, much morel 9-4. 7 Ashland Ct. off Marathon Dr. MULTI FAMILY yard sale. Furniture, toys, babv Items, plants.

records, clothes, fabric, curios. and reusables. Cash onlv. June 24-25, 5426 Dahlen St. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE June 24 25.

9 to 4. Children's clothes and toys, Karastan rug. Hoover washer, dulcimer, snow blower, and more. 7 Mohawk Circle. NAKOMA AREA-1101 Pontiac Tr.

Antique furniture only. 8 nice pieces. 8-4. NAKOMA 5 speed men's bike, like new, china, collectibles, furniture. Sat.

8 to 4. 4223 Mandan Crescent. NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE Childrens through adults clothing. Miscellaneous kitchen supplies. Sporting and household goods.

9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 6618 Piping RoCk Rd. Madison. PARK WOOD HILLS 217 Shiloh Dr.

2 family sale, lawnmower, baby bed, car seat, old picture frames, children's clothes, odds- 'n'ends. Sat, 9-12. SALE A huge accumulation of family collections, ice box, copper boilers, trunks, tables, camode. chest of drawers, riding mower. clothes, boots, dishes, ond miscel laneous.

4822 Marathon Dr. (Hill- farm). Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 24, 25, 26. 9 -5. No early sales.

SALE Platform bed. Skis, boots, poles, ski rack, clothing, and other miscellaneous Items. 251-5787 211 West Gllmon. Apt. 3 West.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25. 601 Blue Ridge Parkway. 9 to 5. Picnic table, household items, games, sled, bike, typewriter, etc. Cash only.

SUPER GARAGE SALE June 25-26, 10-5pm. 5157 Loruth Terrace. Riding mower, boat, trailer, clothes, furniture, much more. USED FURNITURE from Executive Apartments. Apt 21, 2506McDlvitt Rd.

Days only. VILAS AREA-632 Wlngra 8-5, June 25, 26. Stereo, T.V., woterbed, formbls, sizes 10-12, typewriter, bamboo curtains, scale, clock radio, mixer, electric blanket and can "opener, games, books, clothes and much more. VILAS MOVING SALE 1510 Drake St. June 24, 25, 9 to 5.

Bikes, T.V., household and baby items. YARD SALE 4918 Marvin Sot, June 25, 9-5. Clothes, dishes, bike, toys, books, 4 miscellaneous YARD SALE-June 25, 9 to 4:30, 2506 McDIvitt rd. Furniture, dishes, books, carpets, bedding, misc. YARD SALE Sat.

and 9-5. Some furniture. 4220 Doncaster Dr. Garage Sales North 605 3504 Drvden Dr. (Sherman Northport area) June 24, 25, 26 Men's clothing (38 waist, 44-46 L), shoes, shoe boats (10-11), women's pontsults galore (5-10), shoes (6-7), Infant and children's clothes, baby Items, dark wigs, portable stereo, glassware, plant accessor ies, many useful housenoia items all priced to sell.

3706 GOODLAND Sat-Sun (25-26), 9-5. Clothing, antique Iew- elry, furniture, tools. Volkswagon parts, etc. 4422 MARYLAND DR. Toaster oven, dishes, ielly lors, household items, curtoins, drapery hooks.

light fixtures and lawn chairs. June 24, 25; 9-2. 4521 CODY only, 9-5. Clothing, infants to adults, house wares, much more. NO CHECKS! 5566 MARY LAKE RD.

Westport. Sun. 9-5. Furniture, appli ances, clothing, household items. Morel BEER CANS-Brltlsh American, also family inwork clothes, lawn mower, old dishes, much more.

9-5. 4502 Maryland Dr. (off of Delaware). CHEROKEE PARK 5309 Mosinee Lone, Moving Sale. to 5, Sun.

12 to 3. FIVE FAMILY SALE 1821 Sochtlen 9-5 p.m.. Hondo 175 cycle, bikes. guitar, arrows, games, misc. GARAGE SALE 4410 School Rd.

Sat. Sun. June 25 J. 26. 8 to 6.

Kitchen set, ping pong table, dis hes, choirs, beer cons, lots more. HOUSEWARES, toys, games ond beer cons. 1625 Mavfield Lane. Frl. and Sat.

June 24 and 25, 8 to 5. PARISH-WIDE garogesale June 26, all families of par ish contributing, wide selection ot items. Food and refreshments available of 11 30. St. Mary of the Loke Church at County antf Marvlake Rood.

600 Antiques STAINED GLASS windows and lamp shades, old, new and custom orders. L. C. Neuhaus, 274-2942 271-8540 WANTED ANTIQUE POPCORN WAGON, any condition. 414-332-2338.

Garage Sales East 603 1110 TIMOTHY and Sat. Crib, changing table, Infant clothing, sewing goods, sink. 1212 E. MIFFLIN ST. Toys, boys clothes size, 8, 10 and 12, ladles, size 9, household Items.

Sat. from 10 to 4. 1. 1 rnn rtgncunurai OUU Imrjlements Unl-Harvester Equip USED 2-No. 704 Tractors, Gas, Cab.

Leased 500 Hours 2-No. 734 3 Row 38" 1-No. 738 4 30" Like New 3-No. 760 Choppers, Rebuilt 2-No. 763 3-30" Row, Chop 1-No.

737 Husk Bed nearly new 4-NO. 720 2 Row Heads No. 722 Shelters, $500. each 1-No. 710 Combine 11' Head, Bin Strecther IN STOCK New Idea 2 row pull pickers, shelters No.

324 2 row fronts 40" rows. No. 325 30" rows No. 326 12 row husk beds No. 329 Super shellers Big capacity in these proven machines BROOKS Sun Prairie, WI Phone 837-5141 or 251-1766 Area Code 608 NEW JD 2840 Tractor ,80 hp 2640 Tractor with Roll Guard JD 15' Rotary Hoe front Mount Cultivator JD 336 and 346 Balers JD 1209 MowerConditioners Pearson Brothers Better-Built Liquid Manure Spreader, 1500 priced to sell Many used Balers-JD 14 T's, 24 T's, New Holland, Allls Chalmers, Case-Some with Throwers New Bale throw racks In Stack SPECIAL John Deere RM 4-Row Sweep Cultivator and John Deere FM 630 Cultivator MELROE BOBCAT Sales Service (entot Ports Columbus, WI.

414-623-4020 251-5400 Madison 14 USED BALERS New Holland 276, 275, 273, 269, 68 with thrower New Holland 268 and S68 with chute Mc Cormlck 27 and 46 with chute JD 24 with thrower JD 24 with chute 220 Case with thrower 7 USED CHOPPERS Allls 782 New Holland 770 Super 717 and 717 MC Cormlck 50 and 15 8 USED HAYBINES New Holland 467, 469, 461, 460, 1469 Self propelled Case 1150 Self propelled John Deere 485 Hesston PT10 200 Owatonna Free financing on New Holland May and Forage Equipment to March 1, 1978. Bath new and used. KALSCHEUR IMPLEMENT CO. INC. Cross Plolns 798-3371 Bud Phlllpson.

N. 527-2508: Stan Halverson.Mlddleton 831-5756 MADISON 251-2132 HCARL F. STATZ and SONS, INC. WAUNAKEE, WIS. PHONE (608) 849-4101 Modlson Phone No.

255-4545 NEW 8, USED TRACTORS 1-Allls "7080" diesel with cab, air, duels. Like new 700 hours 1-76 Leased new 1-76 Leased "F666D" 700 hours 1-74 "F966D" 1700 hrs. Real sharp 1-75 "F1066O" Like new, 450 hours NEWSTEIGER4-Wheel Drive 1- "F1468D" with cob-A-1 8, "756" Gas, like new 2- "656" Gas-Hydro Gas 8, Diesel FH loader tractor A-l 5 10-Farmall Super MTA 1-IH "544" utility, 3pt. real sharp 1-Mollne 670 gas, 3 point 1 Allls 2 Allls "WD 8, 2-Used IH "4500 fork lifts FREE FINANCE ON ALL NH Hay 8, Forage Equip. Til 3178 HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW USED IH 8, NH balers, racks, mowers, choppers hayblnes 1-Used NH Havblne 1-Used NH "479" havblne, sharp New 9x16 steel multi bale racks New IH "720" forage harvesters 1- Llkenew NH "276" thrower 3 Used IH "430" baler-thrower 2- IH 2-NH "47" balers Pto 4-Like new IH "80" ft "82" pull combines 1 Used IH "203" SP 10' Combine New 8 used IH Cadets-Mowers An Farm Products 01) Supplies EXCAVATION-Man made ponds, ditching, roods and land clearing, wide track for low areas.

After 5. Acker Construction 846-494 1500 Bales Top Quality Alfalfa Hoy, mode early, no rain. $1.25. 608-588-2474. New Lines Needed Manufacturer Agent in Agricul tural field serving approximately 800 farm customers In 4 states.

Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin 8, Minnesota. Specialty Service-Midwest Inc. Box 501 Dubuque, Iowa 52001. 319-582-6965 ALFALFA AND MIXED HAY Delivered in semi loads or less. Norm Monthe.

414-674-4327. BAILED MARSH HAY 414-478-2725. FARM PAINTING free estimates. THOMAS SPRAY PAINTING CO. Box 73.

Waunakee, WI. 53597 or call collect (608) 849-5612 HAY-ALFALFA Arena, Wi. After 5p.m. 753-2264. PLANK FEED BUNK 20 ft.

Also 150 ft. of in. vacuum line with co*cks. Art Fahey. Belleville: 424-3561.

SHELLED CORN 10.000 bushel. 2 ml. south of Waunakee. 238-9122, or 271-1811. THE HAY MARKET Dealer In quality Hay and Straw Fronksvllle, Wis.

414-835-1234 530 Livestock Prairie Stock Removal 1-800-362-9216 34 LIMOSINE BULL I veors old. Half and 34 Simmental bulls. Yearlings and older. Jim Brodt. Lake Mills.

WI. 414-648-2247. 4-year-old registered American soddlebred Boy more-broke to ride and drive, sultoble to pleas ure, gentle disposition. $650 or best offer. 356-9446.

603 19 N. BREARLY One day sale. SATURDAY, 9-4 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1937 E. DAYTON ST. Frl.

and 9-6. Multi-family. Furniture, household and clothes, 2 FAMILY-2529 E. Mifflin. Frl 10 to 5.

Drafting board, new set china, serves 7. Lots more. 2201 E. WASHINGTON Big Sale I Large variety household, collect ibles. Dressers, glassware, antique bottles, new Items.

Restaurant equipment, coin-operated games. Morel Mon. 10-6. 229 GARNET LA. -A von, plates, I ewe try ond decan-ters priced low.

Toys, clothes and misc. June 24 and 25, 8:30 to 5:30. 2725 ATWOOD AVE. Furniture, radios, bunk beds, lamps, pictures, dolls, knick-knocks, codec-tables ond much, much more. 29 CRYSTAL 12-5 and 9-5.

2 family sale. Dishes and lots of everything. 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE-Sat. June 25, 8-5, 4317 Milwaukee St. Stereo, clothing, miscellaneous.

3310 VONDRON RD. Beds, organ, chairs, Xmas decorations, miscellaneous. 9-5. 4506-10 FERRIS Antiques, furniture, rugs, bric-o-brac. June 25, 26.

4601 Camden Rd. Sat. ond Sun. June 25 and 26. Oil burner, 275 gal.

oil tank 50 gal. electric hot water heater, window fan, and much more. 4706 Buckeye Rd. June 24 and 25. Large assortment, variety of items, also plants.

4800 ROIGAN Monona Air conditioner, camping equipment, and furniture. June 24, 25; 9-5. 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE 4610 Eosley Lane June 24 and 25 527 SHADY WOOD WAY, off Cot tage Grove Sot-Sun, 9-5. Beer and pop can -collection, 6 bikes, boys ond girls. 10 and 3 speed.

Bar stools, fruit iars, ladies, girls clothing, all size. Much morel 6 FAMILY SALE Furniture, clothes, books, games and miscel laneous. Saturday, June 25. 2714 Commercial Ave. 614 Topaz Lane.

June 24 and 25th. to 6p.m. Calculator, bicycle, aquarium, bowling ball, old bottles, vlnly floor tile, clothing. much more treasures. 812 Owen Monona Some antiques, furniture, roliaway bed, household-garden Items, tires.

Frl. Sat; most Items Vj price Sun. 814 Powers Ave. Boat motor 35h.p adult 3 wheel bike, antiques, pinball machine, lamps, dishes, glassware, cupshelves, toys and much more. Sat.

and Sun. BACKYARD footed bathtub, miscellaneous, clothing, National Geographies, etc. 1716 Winnebago, Begins Saturday morning, 6-25. Goes all week. BEER CAN YARD SALE Sat.

Sun. 4704 Allls Ave. 8 to 5 CHARITY GARAGE SALE-to raise money to start a non profit corporation to neuter pets free. Lots of good stuff for safe-sur- prtses too-at 3826 Johns St. off Cottage Grove, June 25 and 26, look for signs.

ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD Furniture and Garage Sale. Included are tools, garden equipment, avocado 2 oven stove, matching refrigerator with Ice maker. Twin beds, complete. Davenport, chairs, tables, lamps, etc. Frl.

Sat. Sun. June 24-26. 5104 Moywood Monona. ESTATE AND GARAGE SALE Some furniture, and many household Items.

Noon to 4 p.m. on Friday, 9 to 4 on Saturday. 1910 East Dayton St. Frl. Sat.

June 24 25, Antiques, furniture, household Items, toys and misc. 4506 Shore Acres Rd. Furniture, Clothing, and Misc, June 25-26. CASH ONLY. 4202 Maher Ave.

222-6054 FURNITURE, bird cages, nick- nacks, etc. Sat. June 25, Sun. all day. 9 N.

3rd St. 244-8236 GARAGE SALE 2406 Center Ave. Just off Atwood by Fa I rooks. Sat. Sun.

Formats, T.V's, ta bles, guitars, etc. GARAGE SALE furniture, 9-5 p.m.. Sat. June 25 26. 106 Starry Ave.

across from Monona Grove State Bank GARAGE SALE 4717 Spaanem Ave. Some antiques, baby Items, buggy, dishes, misc. clothing ex cellent condition, much more. Frl. noon thru Sun.

noon. GARAGE June 25. 1415 Williamson St. 8 a.m. to 5 P.m., no checks.

GARAGE SALE Misc. clothes, furniture, refrigerator, garden tools, bike. 4702 Meredith Ave. Frl. ond Sot.

8 to 5 p.m. GARAGE SALE, Sat, Sun. Lots of antiques. Including round oak table and choirs, picture frames, Speed Queen wringer wash ing machine, like new. 106 Canterbury Waunakee.

Sorry, no checks. GARAGE SALE -Some antiques. Sat. Come one and all. Wheel chairs, 1 electric.

More. 702 Fairmont Ave. GARAGE SELL IT ALL SALE Low prices on dryer, furniture, camper, many strange Items. Free city maps. Sunday, June 26, only 9-6.

428 Gannon Ave. GOOD PRICES-Picnic table, ster eo, photo enlarger, couch, dress er, chairs, household, baby Items, plants, pots, suds saver. 1102 Acewood June 25 and 26. MONONA, 20 yr. accumulation.

Cotor and 4 TV, Honda 90 and Honda 50 cycles, 8ft folding room divider, stereos, ham equipment. much much morel June 24-25, Corner Vogts La. Arrowhead. MONONA-Sat. June 25 onlv, 8-4.

5518 Gaucher La. Baby clothes to adult, fiesta ware, much more. MONONA 801 Kelly PI. Lots of children clothes to 2 yrs. Child's furnishings, toys, some household, 225 gal.

oil tank. 9-4, 9-3. MOV I A mi see I loneous items, clothes, household Dictaphone, rug, etc 10-6. 1245 Spoight St. MOVING SALE Roll-away tflsh washer, and collectobies.

Frl-; day and Saturday, 24 8 25. 9 4709 Milwaukee upstairs. MULTI FAMILY ART SALE 101 Dunning St. (Near Ray-O-Vac) June 24, 25, 26, 9 until 2. Many household Items, furniture and clothing of all kinds PATIO SALE, Sot, Sun, June 25- 26.

2250 Myrtle St. Household goods, clothes, miscellaneous; Items. Reasonable prices. PORCH SA Thursday-Satur day, 23-26, 9-5. Baby clothes, toys.

womens ware, lots of books, car seat, changing table, sink. 2429 Sommers Ave. Sat. Sun. 23 4 26, 9 to 5.

Chil- drens clothes, piano, misc. furni ture, bikes, trikes, household col-: lectlbles etc. 1213 Meodowlark Dr. SAT SUN. Refrigerator.

steamer trunk, clothes, insulators. GM cor seat, typewriter, dooks, furniture. 412 S. Brearly. 256-3034 THREE FAMILIES Rocker, square oak table, choirs, old furni ture.

1974 Vega Hotchbock. Bobv- odult clothes, toys and much mis-l eel loneous. 1 103 Birch Hoven Circle, off Wlrmequah Monona. SUN. 9-5.

TOP CASH paid for antiques, old or used furniture and collectibles. One (tern or entire households. WAREHOUSE SALES 255-1111 273-1976 W. Betttlwe Hwy. TOYS, furniture, ctothing-bobv thru odult.

5418 Storker Ave. be tween Cottoge Grove 8 Buckeye. WAGON WHEELS, oak chairs, tovs. clothes, plovpen and htgh- chalr, dishes, mogazines. books, 31 piece wood breakfast nook, bross fireplace screen, tost oayion June 25, Saturday, 9-4.

-ast YARD SALE Sat. June 26, 9 to 5. 406 Elmslde Blvd. Furniture, collectibles, bottles, cans, antique burtons, ciotnes. YARD SALE, 4909 Gordon June 25-26, 10-4.

Children's clothing, furniture, games, toys, miscellaneous. YARD SALE-100's of well made clothes In good condition, priced low, mostly female from Infant through women's 14, Includes blouses, slacks, wool skirts, swe aters, dresses, coats ond shoes, many tovs and other miscellane ous Items. 4608 Wallace Avenue, Monona. June 23-26 from 10-4 Garage Sales West 604 1 S. KENOSHA June 24, 25 5.

Priced for quick sole) Antiques, dresser, mattress, room divider, furniture, tovs, dishes, boys 8-12, men women medium clothes. 1118 PAULINE Sun, 1-4 only. 2 family moving sale: hide- o-bed, recllner, chests, other fur niture, lots of household items. 135 Glenwav St. Sat.

9-4. Girls clothing (summer, winter), Infant to size 5. Tovs, gomes, puzzles, misc. household Itmes. Cash only.

1510 LYNNDALE June 24-25, 8-5. 4 matching choirs, bikes, bathroom fixtures, more. 1809 RAE LN. Multi-Family. June 25, 26; 9-5.

Toys, clothes, bikes, sports equipment, etc. 2028 Monroe St. Desks, bed, roll-away bed, chairs, lamps. doors and windows, tables, and many misc. Items.

Sat. 8-5 22 South Meadow Lane, depression glass, miscellaneous house hold Items, dishes, some furni ture, 9-4 Saturday, June 25. 222 S. Whitney Way 5-Family. Skis, dlnnerware, pictures, child ren's clothes, toys, household goods.

Sat. June 24, 25, 8-5 2613 MASON ST. Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8-5. Sleeper sofa. rockerrecllner, refrigerator, stove, exhaust hood and other misc.

Items. 2921 BASKERVILLE AVE. (Middleton) Sat. June 25, 10-5. Clothes, shoes, long dresses, babv items, light fixtures, flourescent light fixtures, tools, motors, dishes, fur iacket (size medium) and other miscellaneous.

2FAMILY GARAGE SALE Children's clothes, all sizes; suede coat, toys, infant's needs, maternity clothes, pottery household Items, many miscellaneous good ies. Something for everyone at 6906 Donna Middleton, 9-5, 24-25 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE-Baby Items, appliances, household items, 76 Buick Skyhawk, miscel laneous. Sat. June 25 only, 9-5. 4306 Keating Terr.

414 GLENWAY un. 24,25,26. Junior clothes, Sony receiver, 10 handyman TV's, 100 ft. of 1 in. rope, furniture, screened tent.

4255 MOHAWK Sailing rig for canoe, clothes (men's and women's), couch, chairs, tables, lamps, iungle-lim, t.v. (needs tubes), miscellaneous Items, much more! Cash only, 9-4. 271-5472. 4917 HOLIDAY DRIVE Saturday, June 25 only, 8:30 to 4:00. Furniture, bikes, and much more.

5001 Flad Ave. Furniture, rug, clothes, household craft items, humidifier more. June 24 25, 10 to 4. 5010 CONEY WESTON p.m. Frl.

Sat. Knick-knacks, household, clothing, toys, sleds. 510 Ozark Trail 9-4 p.m. Stereo, tv, tape deck, baby furniture and clothes, bicycles, tovs, skis, household Items, etc. 5105 TOCORA LA June 25-26, 9- 5.

Kid's sleeping bages, trikes, games, bike seats, soccer shoes. 5121 S. Hill Dr. Moving 5117 S. Hill Dr.

Two Family. ANTIQUES, Furniture, AppII ances, Clothes, Tools, Household Goods, Stereo, Clock, Radio, Car 8-track deck with speakers. Other radio equipment, Skis (c.c. and downhill). Frl, Sat, Sun.

8-5 5142 WHITCOMB iron bed, old trunk, chaise lounge, silver bowls, refrigerator, etc. Sat. June 25, 9-5. No Checks. 544 Gately Terrace.

Furniture, childrens clothes, bean bag chairs, bar and 4 stools, art prints, chandelier, old double wood bed, adult clothes, numerous house hold Items. 9 to 4. June 24 thru 25th. 5706 Dogwood-Crestwood, Sole, tools, kitchen Items, childrens fur niture, tovs, clothes, office, hi-fi and microphone equipment, rugs, ect. Sat.

8 to 5. 5743 TAFT. Middleton, Take to Baskervllle to Taft. Kitchen and yard items, clothes, plants, tovs, books, miscellaneous. June 24-25.

8-5. 6337 PIPING ROCK RD. House hold items, some furniture, plants, miscellaneous. and Sat. June 24-25.

9-4 p.m. ANNUAL CRESTWOOD NEIGH BORHOOD GARAGE SALE June 25, 9-3, corner of Old Middle-ton and Rosa Rds. ANTIQUE SALE-Sat. June 25, noon to 5 p.m. only.

Dressers, walnut empire bed, comodes, walnut pedestal tables, dining room tables, buffet, matched poir of Victorian chairs, dining room chairs, oak rockers, some china, books and other misc. Everything must go. Off Hwy. IB and 151 to Nesbitt Rd. left on Fltchrona, down 12 block on right.

APARTMENT SALE, June 25 10-3. Modern sofa, drapes, an tique oak table ond 2 chairs, household, golf cartbaa, cor top carrier, miscellaneous. 6302 Min eral Point Apt 306. ART AND CRAFT SALE 50 plus framed paintings, hond-held hardwood mirrors, stained glass. fingerprints, leather flower plo- ques.

Sat. 9-5, Sun. 11-5. June 25 26.5605 Raymond Rood. MOVING OUT GARAGE SALE Washerdryer, dishes, antiques, lewlery, childrens clothes, other household Items.

1403 Middleton Woodside Heights across from Foxridge. Sat. Sun. 25 26, Bto 5. ESTATE GARAGE SALE Selling complete estate of Mrs.

Hansen and other Items. Beds, chairs, tobies, rugs, sets of oak chairs, marble top chests, dishes. frames, books, old 45 78 records, refrigerator, old dolls, Goebel Christmas plates. Much more! Don't miss this salef Frl, Sat, June 24-25. 8-4.

7104 Vol lev View Rd. Take Mineral Point Rd. to County 1 right on Valley View. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE QUALITY SALE Moving to retirement home. Anti ques, glassware, many vases, dishes, kitchen wore, pewter, books.

some furniture including Drexel dining room set ond break-front (S475), humidifier, tin kitchen ca binets, woshtub, wheel-choir and much more. Everything In im-moculate condition, some Items very old. No early soles. Number system. Sale Inside.

413 N. Mid- vale. Apt. 1. Frl.

June 24, 9 to 6, Sat. June 25, 9 to 4. FRIDAY. JUNE 24 8to4. Satur day, June 25.

8 to 1. 3-speed girl's bike, 10-speed, boys bike, furniture books, filing cabinet, wooden kitchen cobinets, glassware, misc. household goods. 1901 Vilas Ave. FURNITURE ONLY Sofa, green floral with walnut trim.

S125. co*cktail table 150, Matching commode $30. Lamp S10. 2906 Nottingham Way. 274-4731.

GARAGE SALE, Multi-family I. Moving. Antiques, sofa bed, dining table set, lomps, snowmobile with double trailer, TV, desk, tools. Golf Clubs, refrigerator, household goods, clothes, records, dehumldifier, ond much more. 6821 29 Anderson Middle-ton.

6-25, 26. 9-1 Person to Person Want Ads! pa(1 Agricultural OUU Implements TRACTOR-Ford, 8N, Cose VAC Tractor, Oliver 540 corn planter. 798-2208 eves. INTERNATIONAL Wide front, 2-wov hydraulic. 1-414-992-3410 Farm Industrial Equipment All kinds, new-used.

ANNEN MACHINERY RANCH 846-3638. FORD TRACTOR 8-N, new mower, loader, scraper. 222-2355 FARMALL B-wlth cultivators, ex cellent condition, 271-4932, 255-2635, or 255-2996 975 NEW HOLLAND Combine, cab, lift, grain head, 4 row corn head. Good condition, 608-348-8504. 90 Special Massev Fergusen self propelled combine, 12 ft.

pick-up, good condition, will sacriflcel $2500. 414-326-5266. COMBINE 6600 John Deere diesel. Corn and grain. Privately owned.

Excellent. Reply R3234, co Madison Newspapers, Inc. WANTED TO BUY-JD Combination 3300 or 4400. Must be in good condition. Call 414-623-2276 or 414 623 2608 TRACTOR Antique quality but runs well.

Plow, cultivator, mower, snow plow drag. $600 or best offer. (608)798-4926. M.C. 7 ft.

TRAILER MOWER Cunningham Krlmper. 216 trailer plow, and a 314 trailer plow. 2 roll corn cultivator. 798-2486. TRACTOR-1066 Diesel International, 4 bottom, re-set, semi-mounted; Plow; 82 International combine.

All excellent. 406-849-4028 after 6. FREE RENT on Gehl Forge Harvesters and mow conditioners till March 1, 1978. Raemlsch Imp. Co.

Dane, WI. 849-5001 256-7665 SATOH-4 wheel drive tractor, 15 h.p $3295 SATOH-27 h.p $3695 Gunnelson, Inc. Hwv.51 West 873-9424 FORD-69. CSOO. 16 ft.

grain box and hoist, rebuilt engine and transmission. $4,000. '74 Chamberlain hopper botton grain trailer, good condition $7,000. Call 845-7998 or 845-6491. GRAIN DRIERS FOR SALE All sized new and used.

DrlAtl continuous flow, at HUGE DISCOUNTS. Contact STERLING L. JOHNSON 5 Courtlond Madison Before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. COMPLETE GRAIN DRYING SYSTEM-50 6 Inch augger, 1200 buschel hopper bottom grain tank with 5 inch discharge augger and mower, 320 buschel American batch dryer, 55 8 Inch Mayrath augger, 2,000 buschel, hopper bot tom grain tank with 6 inch dis charge augger and mower, will sell as complete unit or individually.

845-6491 or 845-7998. 880 S717 New Holland choppers 350 I HC chopper 780 AC chopper 271 New Holland baler 270 White diesel tractor 2-85 White diesel tractor McFarlane's Imp. Co. Where service is family tradition. Oliver New-Holland Owatonna Brllllon Boss Irrigation Phone: 643-3321, Sauk City Our Modlson No.

251-1718 SPECIAL 2 Used 1000 gal. Hi-Perform Mueller Bulk Coolers wwashers New Used Rrebuilt Bulk Milk Coolers GERBER FARM SERVICE, INC. Mt.Horeb, Wis. 608-437-5557 We're the ones that give service. NEW HOLLAND 56 rake-rubber mounted teeth HESSTON PT-10 mower conditioner NEW IDEA 290 mower conditioner NEW HOLLAND 276 baler-wlth thrower JD 24T with kicker Special New OMC 216 mower $2895 Hanley's SUN PRAIRIE, Phone 837-51 1 1 or 257-7815 JohJU-D eere New Holland 490 21' havblne JD 1209 mowercondltloner JD 485 mowercondltloner jd 24-T baler-hydraulic elector Massev 10 baler with elector JD green feed chopper DIESEL PUMP REPAIR BLOCK REBORING FARMERS IMPLEMENT STORE 222-1294 1201 stoughton RD.

Madlsoi John Jp" Deere JD '65 PTO Blower Little Giant 42' Elevator Gehl Forage Harvester JD 16-A Green Feed Chopper JD 38 Forage Harvester Fox Super 100 Forage Harvester DIESEL PUMP REPAIR BLOCK REBORING FARMERS IMPLEMENT STORE 222-1294 12(1 Stoughton RD. Madison CROP TOPPERS NEW TRACTORS 8, EQUIP-MENT-lnterest free for 6 months call today on models and Items. FORD 532 baler with thrower FORD 536 mower conditioner, 9' FORD 501 8 515 rear mowers NOTE: Many different truck: loads lust In for this sole DECO BED, bureau, etc, antiques, stained glass, clothing. dishwasher, carved screens. 2016 Dickson PI.

Sat. and 9-5 GARAGE SALE Lots of paper-' backs, and other books, furniture, dishes, toys, etc. Frl. 4 Sat. 9 to 1.

2739 Lvman Lane. MONONA June 25-26, 9-5. 4813 McKenna Rd. Children's clothing, sizes 0-6, adult clothing, household items, Tovs, furniture, books, misc. MOVING SALE 630 Emerson.

St. Saturday from 10 to 5. Rain 1 dote: Sunday. Lots of everything. MOVING SALE Dining room set, kitchen set, braded rug, infant equipment toys, electrical spools.

milk cons ond more. June 24 25. 9 -4. 446 Oak St. Oregon.

i ah uarage oaies DU Out-of-Town 2732 FLORANN June 23, 24 and 25, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Furniture, bed and bedding, Avon toys, misc. South on Fish Hatchery right on Cheryl, left at Floronn 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE, June 25, 10-4, A Barnload of Bargains. Humidifier, air conditioner, table saw, kitchen ware, lawn mower, photo equipment, plants, planters, furniture, 404 Jefferson Oregon.

6 FAMILY YARD SALE MT. VERNON West of Verona on 18 4 151, turn left on and left again. on Spring Rose Rd. Follow signs, 832-6226). Saturday, June 25 and, Sunday, June 26 9 A.M.

to 6 P.M. Antiques: rocking chairs, com- modes, tables (lompand gateleg), beds, trunk, milk cans, and more. Furniture: console stereo, blcvc- -le, house plants, clothing (all sizes), dishes 4 much misc. GARAGE SALE 4 355 Fish Hatchery Sat-Sun. 9-6.

Household goods, fishing equipment, clothing. GARAGE SALE Evergreen Trailer Park, Marshal. Guns, Coins, many Antiques, and much miscellaneous. No Checks. June.

24 4 25, 8 to 5. HUGE GARAGE SALE Frl. 4, Sat. 8 to 6. Awnings, dishwasher, fireplace, ceiling tiles, mini-bike, frames, barrel chairs, antiques, 6, oak chairs, mirrors, sheet music, clothing (all sizes), tots more.

4912 Farwell St. McForland. June 25-26. 8 am-5pm. Antique and contemporary furniture.lamps, collectibles, women's clothing, various size, and items too numer-1 ous to mention.

6603 Cooper Ave, Middleton. MCFARLAND-6021 Exchange St. Multi-family, bikes, beer can col lection, stamps, antiques, hand-mitts, infant through adult clothing and much more. June 24, 25 and 26th. Fri.

thru Sun. OREGON VM mile west on Hwy. CC. 9-5. Lots of plants! Ferns, tropicals, dried floral; 6- chair dinette set, oval braid rug double bed, hair dryer, electrie motor, night stands, sewing ma-' chine cabinet, clothes, etc.

YARD SALE, 1 ml. N. of Oregon on Schuster Rd. Va Ml. E.

of MM. 4 p.m. to dark, oil dav Sat. r-i 1 CH0 reisnna DUO SuDDlies f. AFGHAN 1 yr.

old. Housetrained, 256-8650 AKC Welmaraner Pups. Hunt-Show prospects. Call weekdays after 6 pm. 815-765-2618.

ALASKAN Malamute AKC mole. 2 years, born from Champions. Best offer. 455-3875. BADGER KENNEL CLUB Purebred Dogs DOG SHOW 222-1657 873-5059 845-6945 BEAGLE PUPS 2 female, 2 male, 6 weeks old 249-8296 BEAGLES AKC, 3 females, (35., S50, $100 (excellent bred).

798-4170 BRITTANY PUPPIES-2 mole, AKC registered, excellent hunting stock, 12 weeks old. 845-6222. Bulldogs-English. S325-S500. Bostons $150.

Adult female ISO. i Mineral Point, WI.608-776-4538. co*ckER PUPPIES, 6 wks old. AKC registered, $65 to $85. Also adult co*cker female.

$75. 873-8009. co*ckER SPANIEL Male, AKC, registered, color buff. 249-4990. i COLLIE PUPPIES, purebred.

$34 ond $45. Black and sable, 493-227 COON HOUND-Puppies. Chom' pfon sired, PR bred, registered redbone. 764-5984 after 5. DALMATIAN PUPPIES.

Top AKC quality. 608-845-6996. 845-7208. DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPS AKC, black and rust, 6 wks old. 608-424-3980.

1 1 DOBE RMAN-AKC, block and rust mole, Vi years old, reasonable. Coll 241-3776. DOBE RMAN-Beautlful Puppies AKC, 8 weeks. Excellent quality. Must see to appreciate.

Reosonat ble. 608-524-4231. DOBERMANS, AKC 8wke. 3 females. New Glorus area -527-2685 eves, or weekends.

DOG, Norwegian Elkhound, 1 vr. old, all shots, spoved female, purebred, loves people. Days, 22) I6uu, Kon, sjy-aixn. ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL AKC, Liver ond white. 5 malesi Will be ready.

July 26. $50. I 846-3914 FREE 1 female, 2 male gray kittens nee4 good loving home. 10 wks. old.

Call 274-2091 otter 5 or weekends. FREE T-SHIRT With purchase of 10 Gallon Starter Kit. Limited suppl. AQUARIUS PETS 6005 Monona Dr. 222-9653.

GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. AKC, $125. Highly trainoble. Sound temoermant. From OFA certified stock.

Puppies guaranteed. For a Dog with beauty onjt brains coll 414-261-2237. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPJ, AKC, raised with kids, parents lomlly pets. Deerfield, 764-8134. German shorthair -AKC, 10 week old mole puppies.

Must sell before July 4. Will make excellent hunters at reasonable $45. 837-6210. i GERMAN SHORTHAIREO POINTERS -AKC Puppies. 244-7913 GERMAN SHORTHAIR PUPS, parents good hunters, 608-254-2758 after 5 p.m.

GERTHS The Quality Kennels PecotonlcoRock City, III. Call 1-815-449-2352 GOLDEN RETREIVER Puppies, beautiful AKC registered. Finally available this weekend. 715-683-2571. GOLDEN RETRIEVER mix, 8 weeks, shots.

$25 to the rlgbt home. 257-1565 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS-AKC, 10 wks. Guaranteed from champion stock. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES suberb hunters ond gentle pets. AKC.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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